Alienware inspired Theme

Alienware inspired Theme
Year : 2011 | OS : Windows 7 | Wmp skins | Gadget | Sound scheme | Installer

-This themes was tested in both x64bit & x86bit.

-You must enable the use of custom themes by either patching your system with Universal Theme Patcher.

Windows 7 Service Pack 1 has recently been released and that means that many bugs and errors were fixed. On the other hand some apps you might have installed before might not work for you now. An example of this is the UXTheme patcher. This program allows you to install themes that other than the normal Microsoft ones. Luckily there is an app that was updated which you can download here. Once you open the .rar file you’ll see two .exe one for 64bit systems and the other for 32bit (86x). Run the one suited for your PC.

Once you open the .exe you’ll see this. Choose your language and click ok.

After that you see this confirmation window click “yes” to continue.

Finally you have to click on “patch” for all 3 files.

Once finished you will be asked to restart your PC, and you are done. Enjoy your new themes on your Windows PC!


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